Our Governors

The responsibilities of the Hotwells Primary School Governing Body are determined by the Cathedral Schools Trust Scheme of Delegation. The CST Governance arrangements can be found here.

CST is a family of three secondaries and six primaries who have a governance structure of Members, Trustees and Local Governing Bodies with responsibilities specified in the Scheme of Delegation. The names of Members, Trustees, the Funding Agreement, Articles of Association and Scheme of Delegation are available here.  

The Governors at Hotwells work with Cathedral School Trust Trustees to provide strategic leadership and accountability in the school. They devolve day to day operational decisions to the Headteacher and school Senior Leadership Team but strategically they work with school staff to make decisions that ensure all pupils achieve their best.

We are fortunate enough to have a skilled and committed Local Governing Body at Hotwells who are keen to being involved in the continued improvement of the school.  If you would like to find out more about the role of the Local Governing Body, please contact the school office or get in touch with Chris Bond, our Chair of Governors.

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, you can write to him at Hotwells Primary School, Hope Chapel Hill, Hotwells, Bristol, BS8 4ND or email via the school office at admin@hotwellsprimaryschool.org 

Further information on the roles of governors can be found on the Ofsted and National Governors Association websites.

Name Category of Governor (and appointing body) Position/Role From To

Kee Jones

Ex-officio Headteacher 03/01/23 Current
Chris Bond Governor (appointed by Members) Chair of Governors, Wellbeing 21/03/24 20/03/28
Anthea Bruges

(appointed by Local Governing Board)

Vice-Chair, Quality of Education, Health and Safety 12/10/23 11/10/27
Matt Edwards - Observer - -
Rhiannon Benson

Co-opted Governor
(appointed by Local Governing Board)

SEND, Pupil Premium 15/10/20 14/10/24
Zoe Bell

Parent Governor
(appointed by Local Governing Board)

EYFS 04/01/23 03/01/27
Dan Monk

Staff Governor
(appointed by Local Governing Board)

  03/10/23 02/10/27
 Sarah Phillips

Governor (appointed by Local Governing Board)

Safeguarding, Prevent 01/02/24 31/01/28

Clerk: -
Responsible Officer Governor Link: Chris Bond
Principal Finance Officer: School Business Manager; Helen Stuart

Click here to see a list of Register of Business Interests of Headteachers and Governors


Meetings and Minutes:

Our school governors meet at least once every term. Click here to see the meeting dates for 2023/24. Once approved, Minutes of Full Governor Meetings are available below or can be requested via the clerk using the form below.

Approved Minutes from the Members' AGM

Approved Minutes from the Local Governing Body Meeting Term 1 23/24

Approved Minutes from the Local Governing Body Meeting Term 2 23/24

Approved Minutes from the Local Governing Body Meeting Term 3 23/24

Approved Minutes from the Local Governing Body Meeting Term 4 23/24

Approved Minutes from the Local Governing Body Meeting Term 5 23/24

Click here to view the Governor Attendance for 2023 - 2024

Approved Minutes from the Local Governing Body Meeting Term 1 22/23

Approved Minutes from the Local Governing Body Meeting Term 2 22/23

Approved Minutes from the Local Governing Body Meeting Term 3 22/23

Approved Minutes from the Local Governing Body Meeting Term 4 22/23

Approved Minutes from the Local Governing Body Meeting Term 5 22/23

Approved Minutes from the Local Governing Body Meeting Term 6 22/23

Click here to view the Governor Attendance for 2022 - 2023