Special Educational Needs and Disability:
Information for Parents and Carers:

From September 2014, there is a new 0-25 Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice. To view the Government's 'Guide for Parents and Carers' to the new Code of Practice, Click Here.

School Contacts: 

Mrs. Sarah Healey, our Inclusion Lead, can be reached via the School Office. 

The Hotwells Primary School Governor with SEND responsibility is Mrs. Rhiannon Benson, who can also be reached via the School Office.

Click Here to view our SEND Information Report about SEND at Hotwells.

Click here to view our SEND (CST) Policy.

Bristol Local Offer:

The Local Offer website provides a wealth of information for families and professionals.

The document Ordinarily Available Provision gives details for parents/carers and professionals about resources that the local authority expects to be made available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in mainstream educational settings in Bristol. As an inclusive school, we aim to work with parents and carers to provide the best opportunities for all children. The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice underpins our provision.

Bristol City Council have published their Bristol Local Area SEND Written Statement of Action in response to the Ofsted/Care Quality Commission (CQC) Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) inspection which took place in our local area at the end of 2019. It is a transparent, formal framework for improving SEND provision with our city.

Ofsted requires that the Written Statement of Action is available to parents, carers, children and young people so they understand the actions being taken to improve the effectiveness of the local area in identifying and meeting needs, and improving outcomes for children and young people who have SEND.